Thursday 23 March 2017

Top 10 Biggest Weight Loss Myths for Women

Losing weight can be tough, very tough indeed! If this is what revolves inside your head then you need to change your perspective and bust the weight loss myths. Let’s get started: 

Myth 1: “If I eat only lunch, I will lose my weight.”

This thought does not hold any truth and will not help in weight loss. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The highly nutritious foods in breakfast will keep you energetic and peppy throughout the day. Skipping any meal is harmful. Try eating small portion of food at regular intervals throughout the day. This will help preventing binging due to hunger if meals are skipped.

Myth 2: “If I spend long hours in gym exercising.”

Anything in excess is harmful even if it is good for the body. If you overdo, it can put you at risk of developing other ailments. You might end up in excessive weight loss than required. Myth 3: “I will quit sweets, potatoes and alcohol.”

The high carbs in potatoes and calorie laden sweets and alcohol will make you fat only if you eat and drink it in excess. Our body requires carbs for instant energy, hence quitting carbs, fats entirely from the diet is not helpful in weight loss. The key is ‘self-control’. Restrain yourself from excessive intake of these foods.

Myth 4: “My grocery list contains fat-free, low calorie food items.”

It is wise to read labels on food while buying but loading the trolley with fat-free, low cal food is not. To enrich the taste, fat-free foods most often contain more of sugars and salt. Will you still buy them? Do not think of fat-free but consider good fat found in canola oil, olive oil, salmon.

Myth 5: “I have got miraculous foods for weight loss.”

The quick fix for losing weight may speed up the metabolism but can be hazardous for your health. Rapid weight loss should not be your aim. Counting calories when choosing foods is judicious, but quick fix foods would be reckless.

Myth 6: “I will only eat fruits for losing weight rapidly.”

Do not live in the world of fantasy fruit contain no fats so it will aid in losing weight. If you have large portion of fruits in your daily diet you are loading yourself with high sugars. Fructose in fruits is known to increase triglycerides and thereby pushing you towards heart disease. Fruits are also high in calories; hence eating a small portion is the trick.

Myth 7: “I do not take any dairy products as they make me fat.”

Dairy products are rich in protein and calcium required for muscles and bones. Getting rid of the dairy products is a bad idea. For losing weight you are compromising your health. You can opt for low fat cheese, skimmed milk.

Myth 8: “I have become a strict vegetarian for losing weight.”
Veg-style eating may curb high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol but it does not mean it qualify for weight loss. Even being a vegetarian you can be trapped in high calories, high sugar content veg foods.

Myth 9: “I have stopped eating meat.”

Remember there are 2 types of fat: good and bad. You just need to be smart which ones to choose. Meat is high in fats but it is also rich in other nutrients which are essential. Choose lean meat and count the portion. 3 ounces per day is the trick for weight control.

Myth 10: “I have switched to gluten-free diet.”

Word of Caution: Gluten-free diet is only meant for those with celiac disease. You will be missing with essential nutrients if you eat only gluten-free diet.

There is no magical way for weight loss. You ought to choose right food in right portion. 

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