Tuesday 14 March 2017

10 Healthy Snacks That Can Help You to Lose Weight

Losing weight and getting fit is something everyone wishes for. Almost everybody wants to look good, have an amazing figure and live a fit and a healthy lifestyle. However, today’s lifestyle and daily routines tend to make this thing impossible to achieve. The increasing addiction to the junk food and a lazy body type makes it even the more difficult. Giving up on food is something that most people can’t do. Well, you don’t need to. You can eat some healthy snacks and shed pounds like a boss. These won’t add to your fat but will cut it.

Check out the list below and get your hands on them today to lose a couple of pounds.

1. Almonds: A healthy alternative to the junkies! Just toss on 5-6 almonds on the go and you are good to go. For better results, you can soak 5-6 almonds in water overnight and have them in the morning. This prepares for an easy yet healthy snack.

2. Chickpeas: These wonder beans form a great choice for an evening snack. Boiled chickpeas can be easily converted to a spicy chaat combination. Cut on some veggies into it and dice it up with some lemon juice and it forms a lip-smacking snack!

3. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a widely known food suggested by many nutritionists for the diet regime. It has great fat burning properties and can be used as a healthy snack in the evening or at any time of the day. Just couple it up with some tasty dry fruits and enjoy.

4. Grapes: Grapes could be a personal favourite choice for some people. Grapes too form a wonderful snack on the way or at home. Just fill up your pockets or your bowl with a handful of grapes and burn fat while filling on your tummy.

5. Greek Yogurt: When you are moving to a healthy diet in order to lose weight, you must ensure that the food you eat is composed of right amounts of proteins and calcium. Greek yogurt serves as a great filler for the calcium property. Have some of it in the evening and there you go with the healthy snack!

6. Chocolate: This may sound strange, but a small bar of a low-calorie chocolate acts as a great companion in satisfying your sweet cravings and shed pounds too. Have a piece now and then as a snack. That’s a win-win, right?

7. Popcorn as a healthy snack: These munchies form a great afternoon or an evening snack. Have the ones without butter and lesser salt. Grab a bowl in the evening and enjoy a fun yet healthy alternative to the fries or the oily potato chips.

8. Sprouts: Everyone is aware with the high protein count of the sprouts. Sprouts can be had with some brown bread or a dash of lemon to add a twist to it. A complete snack in terms of nutrition!

9. Apple with skimmed milk: A perfect blend of minerals and protein. Have a medium sized apple with a glass of skimmed milk as a snack in the evening. This would instantly fill you up and will keep you filled for long.

10. Soups: Try on some healthy vegetable soup as a healthy snack in the evening. Soups with higher water content tend to make you fill fuller for a long time along with injecting you with the necessary nutrients that it has.

So, these were some on the healthy snacks that you can include in your daily routine if you want to lose some pounds. Just have these along with the detailed workout plan and you shall be good!

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