Friday 17 February 2017

10 natural ways to remove stretch marks once and for all

After carrying a fetus for 9 months in your belly, the rapid stretching causes these marks. Stretch marks cause so many problems, like you can’t wear a crop top showing off your flawless waist or even a sari. So here are 10 easy and natural tips for you to finally get rid of those stretch marks.

1. Aloe Vera

You are probably familiar with Aloe Vera’s infinite beauty uses. It’s soft and easy to apply gel help diminish the wrinkles off from the skin, making your skin tighter and flawless. Apply the fresh gel to your stretch marks. And wash it off after 2 hours. The plant collagen in Aloe Vera helps repairing the skin completely.

2. Potato juice- the ultimate stretch marks remover You may wonder how this carb-full, starchy vegetable going to help in this matter. Most of the people aren’t familiar with its more beneficial elements such as vitamin c, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc. These antioxidants fade stretch marks. Cut the slices of potato and rub it in on your stretch marks. After leaving it for 5-10 minutes, wipe it clean with lukewarm water.

3. Lemon juice

Take the half cut lemon and rub it on your marks and after 10 minutes, wash it all out with lukewarm water. The acidic nature of the lemon not only helps in removing the tan, but the collagen protein presented in it strengthens the skin.

4. Cocoa butter

Instead of wasting money on buying stretch mark creams you can make one on your own. Mix melted cocoa and Shea butter together and later add vitamin-E oil in it. After mixing it all together store it in a cool place. Your cream will be ready after some hours. This mixture could also prevent stretch marks if applied during pregnancy.

5. Olive oil

The various anti-oxidants present in olive oil help moisturize and cleansing the skin. Other antioxidants such as vitamin A and E increase the blood circulation, which in turn helps in reducing wrinkles and eventually fading the stretch marks. Massage the oil 4 times a week and see the magic.

6. Egg whites

The egg whites contain enough of the proteins to make stretch marks disappear. Split the white part from the yolk and whip it good. Then apply the mixture on the marks, once after drying wash it off with water.

7. Sugar It is one of the best natural home remedies for stretch marks removal. Mix lemon, almond oil and sugar for some quick minutes and apply the scrub on your marks.

8. Apricot mask

This solution is not as surprising as it seems, many women are using it already to remove the stretch marks. Make the paste of apricots and apply it on your belly. Use it twice a day for better results.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is so diverse when it comes to skin fixes. Some say that using turmeric powder with coconut oil is a good remedy to get rid of those stubborn stretch marks.

10. Water

Water cleanses the waste from your body. Drinking water should be a part of your regular diet. If you’ll drink more water, your skin will stay hydrated. The water will not only detoxify but also help in bringing back the lost elasticity of the skin.

Say goodbye to stretch marks with these remedies. And also avoid saturated fat, eat well and exercise daily to tighten the skin.


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